Eq quag maelstrom
Eq quag maelstrom

eq quag maelstrom

FYI: the "a mummy" spawn can only happen at night (8pm-5am) so if you ever see one at 6am then that should pretty much confirm that the AC can also spawn at 6am but i've seen 4 "a mummy" and 2 AC and all happened to be at 8pm. 0:00 / 5:16 Ep5/21 Bard Epic Alluring Horn (Quag Maelstrom) (Everquest TLP) 133 views Like Dislike Share Save Ion Blaze 5.29K subscribers Viewer Discretion Advised: This video may. I just camped this the last two days for me and a friend got him both times at 8pm. DenkenStrongpick 1 Mob FendlemendFiglefop 1 Mob QuagMaelstrom 1 Mob multiples, moved aflightycatfish 1 Mob MarreyMcGrannel 1 Mob GubblegrotSmashfist 1 Mob Kaiaren 1 Mob NyuaetheCruel 4 J. Someone suggests that since you'll either be killing the AC or another PH at 8pm game time you could get another shot at 6am (30.666min after 8pm) but i still very highly doubt you can see him up unless he spawns between 8pm-5am. AVOID KILLING ANYTHING ELSE AS TO NOT MESS WITH YOUR TRACK FILTER! If its not the AC then kill it asap and once the PH comes at 6am wait to kill it until 10am.rinse repeat. maduro madvise madwoman madwort mae maeda maelstrom maenad maenadic maerd.


Surefire way to get him to spawn: take a tracker (have auto update on) find either "a mummy" "sand giant" "desert madman" and a "dervish cutthroat" (the derv has to be a roaming spawn not a static, its not hard hes the only one that roams) once you find this person kill them at 10am.30.6666min later you have a 10% chance to spawn the AC at 8pm. epsilon epsom epstein ept epu epuhsld epv epw epx epy epz eq eqa eqb eqc. I confirmed this by seeing "a dervish cutthroat" (one of the confirmed PHs) spawn 24 min 42 sec from one another during two separate cycles.

eq quag maelstrom

So make sure the earliest you're killing the day PH is 12pm game time for an 8pm game time (night) spawn. So everything mentioned before is still accurate, but the repop time is now (at least on Phinigel) 24 min 42 seconds. You'll notice this if you time stuff specifically. 42 seconds may seem precise, but the server, like all spell effects, "ticks" at 6 seconds so all spawn times must be divisible by 6. I am not sure if it's limited to TLP servers (i'm on Phinigel) but I am able to confirm 24 minute 42 second repop times. However, I am observing a different repop time. The original "reveal" post by the dev indicated 30.66 min placeholder repop time (10 in-game hours). Well, now (trying to camp it for my wife) I've paid more attention. Double Quake wins against non-Quake Quagsire variants in 1 shield (simultaneous KO with Acid Spray but if you don't get Acid Spray baited, you win).So my last post mentions how everything seemed to line up, but I wasn't 100% sure since I was dancing between picks. Adds sure win match-ups against Exeggutor and Azumarill Just as a comparison though, the max level 49 earth pet hits for 56 but the DDD dmg shield is 50-75 higher. Ive been taking out Quag quite a bit but I use the level 49 earth pet and focus shovel. Adds playable match ups due to shield bait but no sure win match-ups If you are familiar with Quag Maelstrom on SF isle, a max level DDD can drop Quag to about 65 before needing to begin the chain summon cycle. Not getting Spray Shield Bait and getting your Stone Edge blocked instead mitigates a lot of damage.

eq quag maelstrom

Although an epic quest npc, he is currently () live on Green server. a defective clockwork Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole) a destroyed construct a spirit of the old city Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory. Quag Maelstrom Description Information needed. He will DRAIN YOUR MANA very rapidly Do not mess with him if you're a caster. High risk, High reward: Getting the Spray Shield Bait is key for some match ups. Quag Maelstrom navigation search Classic Era ( added 1999-2000) Description Random spawn on seafury island. W/ time stamps and notes in the pinned comment. Title: WHICH QUAGSIRE MOVESET SHOULD YOU USE FOR THE RAINBOW CUP? Get your own player profile ( to start keeping track of your wins here: Īre you a community leader looking to host ranked tournaments? Join the Silph League to get started here: When playing in ranked tournaments (adjudicated by local Silph League community leaders) your wins help increase your player tier and your rank. The Silph Arena is a global player ranking and tournament system designed to help local communities participate in a global player ranking system - for extra fun and pressure! We're here to help create a rewarding and awesome global competitive scene in Pokemon GO. Now that PvP combat will be possible in-game, it's only a matter of time before we all finally learn who actually is the very best - like no one ever was. Pokemon GO is a top-10 grossing mobile app with millions of daily addicts players. Seeking the very best, like no one ever was.

Eq quag maelstrom