- #Delta prognostic health monitoring utc phm full
- #Delta prognostic health monitoring utc phm software
Ongoing research will determine the most appropriate choices for a successful demonstration of PHM systems in aging NPPs.
#Delta prognostic health monitoring utc phm software
Selection of the most appropriate software package for a particular application will depend on the chosen component, system, or structure. Each product is briefly described in Appendix A.
#Delta prognostic health monitoring utc phm full
Five systems did not offer prognostic estimates, and one system employed the full health monitoring suite but lacked operations and maintenance support. Of those eight, only two employ all six modules of a full PHM system. Eight software tools fell into the deployable architectures category. The thirteen products were classified into four groups of software: (1) research tools, (2) PHM system development tools, (3) deployable architectures, and (4) peripheral tools. These products were evaluated by using information available from company websites, product brochures, fact sheets, scholarly publications, and direct communication with vendors. Thirteen software products were identified and discussed in the context of being potentially useful for deployment in a PHM program applied to systems in a nuclear power plant (NPP).

Criteria for evaluating PHM architectures are presented: open, modular architecture platform independence graphical user interface for system development and/or results viewing web enabled tools scalability and standards compatibility. The basis and methods commonly used for prognostics algorithms are reviewed and summarized. Criteria are presented for component selection: feasibility, failure probability, consequences of failure, more » and benefits of the prognostics and health management (PHM) system. In looking to deploy prognostics there are three key aspects of systems that are presented and discussed: (1) component/system/structure selection, (2) prognostic algorithms, and (3) prognostics architectures. Online monitoring and condition-based maintenance is seeing increasing acceptance and deployment, and these activities provide the technological bases for expanding to add predictive/prognostics capabilities.

The application of these technologies within the nuclear power community is still in its infancy. There are an extensive body of knowledge and some commercial products available for calculating prognostics, remaining useful life, and damage index parameters. Finally, an outline of key research more » needs and opportunities that must be addressed in order to support the application of PHM in legacy and new NPPs is presented. Appropriate codes and standards for PHM are discussed, along with a description of the ongoing work in developing additional necessary standards. A discussion of related technologies that support the application of PHM systems in NPPs, including digital instrumentation and control systems, wired and wireless sensor technology, and PHM software architectures is provided. The state of the art for health monitoring in nuclear power systems is reviewed. There is a general introduction to PHM systems for monitoring, fault detection and diagnostics, and prognostics in other, non-nuclear fields. An outline is given for the technical and economic challenges that make PHM attractive for both legacy plants through Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) and new plant designs. The historical approach to monitoring and maintenance in nuclear power plants (NPPs), including the Maintenance Rule for active components and Aging Management Plans for passive components, are reviewed. This report reviews the current state of the art of prognostics and health management (PHM) for nuclear power systems and related technology currently applied in field or under development in other technological application areas, as well as key research needs and technical gaps for increased use of PHM in nuclear power systems.